Terms of Service

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: Purpose

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between Proground Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and users regarding the use of the SuperWalk app (hereinafter referred to as “SuperWalk”) provided by the Company through devices.

Article 2: Definitions of Terms

① The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:
“User” refers to anyone who enters into a service agreement under these terms and conditions and uses all content and services provided by the Company.
“Content” refers to all information, materials, and items created by the Company in relation to providing services, which are accessible via devices. It does not include cyber assets.
“Device” refers to any device capable of downloading or installing content to access the Company’s services, including mobile phones, TVs, smartwatches, and digital devices.
“Service” refers to all services provided by the Company that allow users to access content through SuperWalk.
"Cyber Assets" is a collective term for tokens, accounts, coupons, points (including but not limited to SuperCash, SuperMoney, and other points usable within SuperWalk), titles, items, NFTs, and other assets that users can acquire, use, transfer, or dispose of through the service.

Article 3: Effect, Application, and Changes to Terms

① By using the SuperWalk mobile app operated by the Company, you are deemed to agree to these terms of use and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
If you do not agree to these terms, you are prohibited from using other services provided by SuperWalker Limited, accessing the app, or visiting its website. If you (1) download SuperWalk from the Apple App Store or (2) download it from the Google Play Store, you also agree to comply with the respective store’s terms of use, Google App Terms of Use, and Google Company Terms of Service.
Notice Regarding Apple
When using or accessing SuperWalk on an iOS device, you are deemed to agree to and acknowledge the following: These terms of service are an agreement between you and the Company, not with Apple Inc. (Apple), and Apple is not responsible for SuperWalk or any services provided through SuperWalk.
Apple is not obligated to provide maintenance or support services for SuperWalk.
If SuperWalk fails to comply with applicable warranties, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price of the mobile application to you. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple does not provide any warranties related to SuperWalk, and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses resulting from non-compliance with warranties are the responsibility of the Company.
Apple is not responsible for handling claims related to SuperWalk or your use of SuperWalk, including but not limited to third-party claims, product liability claims, claims that the mobile application fails to comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements, or claims arising under consumer protection or similar laws.
Apple is not responsible for investigating, defending, settling, or resolving claims that the mobile application infringes on third-party intellectual property rights.
You agree to comply with applicable third-party terms, including the App Store Terms of Service.
Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these terms, and by accepting these terms, you grant Apple the right to enforce these terms against you as a third-party beneficiary.
You represent and warrant that (1) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo or has been designated by the U.S. Government as a "terrorist-supporting" country, and (2) you are not listed on any U.S. Government prohibited or restricted parties list.
② The Company may revise these terms to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws.
③ The Company may change these terms if deemed necessary. If the terms are changed, the Company will specify the effective date and reasons for the changes and post the revised terms alongside the current terms on the app’s notice board or via a popup at least seven days before the effective date and for a reasonable period after the effective date. However, for changes that significantly affect users' rights and obligations, the Company will individually notify users via email at least 30 days before the effective date.
④ Users have the right to object to the revised terms. If a user disagrees with the changes, they may stop using the service and terminate the service agreement (withdraw membership).
⑤ If the Company notifies users of the changes to the terms via announcement or individual notification and explicitly states that failure to object within seven days (or 30 days for significant or disadvantageous changes) of the effective date will be deemed as consent, users who do not express their objection will be considered to have agreed to the revised terms. Users who object to the revised terms may terminate their agreement or withdraw their membership.

Article 4: Supplementary Provisions to the Terms

Matters not specified in these terms may be governed by separate terms or policies, which shall comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Chapter 2: Service Agreement

Article 5: Formation of the Service Agreement

① The service agreement is established when the user agrees to the contents of these terms, applies for service use, and the Company approves the application.
② The Company principally approves users' service applications. However, the Company may refuse to approve applications or terminate the service agreement afterward in the following cases:
If the application contains false, omitted, or erroneous information.
If the application is not made under the real name or is made using another person’s name.
If false information is provided or the required details set by the Company are not provided.
If an email address, phone number, or other contact information shared with another person is provided in the application.
If the applicant has previously lost their user qualification (except in cases where the Company deems it necessary and grants approval).
If a user under suspension attempts to cancel the service agreement during the suspension period and reapplies for service use.
If the applicant is under 14 years of age.
If the application violates these terms or is deemed illegal or improper, and in other cases where the Company recognizes a clear risk of violating public order and decency based on applicable laws and regulations.
③ The Company may withhold approval if there is insufficient capacity in service-related facilities or if there are technical or operational issues.
④ Users must provide truthful information for service use, and the Company may request additional information from users if necessary for service provision.
⑤ Each individual is allowed to apply for and use the service with only one account based on truthful personal information. Using two or more accounts per person for service applications or usage is prohibited.

Article 6: Protection and Use of Personal Information

The Company strives to protect users' personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The protection and use of personal information are subject to relevant laws and the Company's Privacy Policy. However, the Company's Privacy Policy does not apply to linked sites outside the official website of the Company.

Article 7: Management and Modification of Personal Information

Users are responsible for diligently managing their personal information for service use and must update their personal information in the event of changes. Any damages resulting from delays or omissions in updating personal information are the user's responsibility.

Chapter 3: Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 8: Obligations of the Company

The Company shall not engage in any acts prohibited by applicable laws or these terms and will make its best efforts to continuously and stably provide services.

Article 9: Obligations of Users

① Users must comply with the provisions of these terms, the Company's other rules, and any notices issued by the Company. Additionally, users must not engage in acts that interfere with the Company's operations or harm the Company's reputation.
② Users must comply with applicable laws while using the services. If a user violates any laws, they will be subject to penalties under those laws.
③ Users may not use the services for business activities without prior approval from the Company, and they bear responsibility for the results of such activities. If such business activities cause harm to the Company, the Company may take service use restriction measures against the user under these terms and seek damages or other remedies through proper legal procedures.

Article 10: Provision of Information and Advertising

① The Company may display advertisements to maintain the service, and users agree to the display of advertisements while using the service.
② The Company assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by users as a result of participating in, communicating with, or transacting with third-party entities through advertisements provided by the Company, as described in Clause 1.
③ The Company may request additional information from users for the purpose of improving the service or introducing services to users. Users can either agree to provide such additional information or refuse the request.
④ With prior consent from the user, the Company may use personal information collected from the user to provide advertisements mentioned in Clause 1 and information in Clause 3. Users may opt out of receiving such content at any time.

Chapter 4: General Services

Article 11: Service Contents

① The Company provides the following services:
Measuring users' step counts, awarding points and tokens based on step counts, exchanging points for tokens, and all other services offered within SuperWalk.
② The service agreement is deemed established at the time users agree to these terms, download the Company’s content, or access the content through a network. However, some services may begin on a designated date at the discretion of the Company.
③ The Company may provide services to users, including any additional services beyond those outlined in these terms.
④ Certain services may be offered for a fee.
⑤ For some services, the Company may require users to enter into a separate agreement. Services requiring a separate agreement can only be used after the user agrees to the applicable terms and applies for the service, and the Company approves the application.

Article 12: Provision of Services

The Company aims to provide services 24 hours a day, year-round, unless there are significant business or technical issues. However, the Company may temporarily suspend services for a certain period if deemed necessary for operational reasons, such as regular system maintenance, server expansion or replacement, or network instability. In such cases, the Company will notify users in advance on the initial screen of each service.
Notwithstanding Clause 1, the Company may restrict or suspend services temporarily without prior notice due to urgent and unavoidable circumstances. In such cases, the Company may notify users afterward.
The Company may conduct regular maintenance to ensure stable service provision. The schedule and duration of regular maintenance will be announced on the initial screen of each service or through notices within the content.
The Company may suspend all or part of the services if it determines that normal service provision is impossible due to events beyond its control, such as war, riots, natural disasters, or other national emergencies, power outages, service facility failures, service usage surges, or maintenance or inspections by telecommunications providers. In such cases, the Company will notify users of the reason and duration of the suspension in advance or afterward through the initial screen of each service or notices within the content.
The Company may provide services via dedicated applications for devices or through networks. Users can access the services by downloading and installing the application or using the network.

Article 13: Accumulation and Use of Points, Provision of Goods, etc.

The Company may provide points to users based on their use of the service.
The methods for accumulating points provided to users may vary depending on the features, events, and configurations designed by the Company within the service. Events that provide points may include methods such as lotteries.
To ensure efficient use and operation of the service, the Company may adjust all or part of the points provided, following prior notice. Points may be modified, discontinued, changed, or invalidated according to the Company's policies and operational needs.
The conversion ratio of points required to exchange them for affiliate goods, coupons, or other types of points may differ depending on the type of points, affiliate goods, or coupons. Benefits such as gift vouchers, exchange tickets, and coupons are considered properly delivered when the Company sends the corresponding barcode to the user's mobile device or via SuperWalk.
When points are converted into other forms of points, affiliate goods, or coupons, reconversion to the original points, refunds, or cancellations are not allowed. Benefits such as mobile gift cards, gift vouchers, exchange tickets, and coupons are non-refundable, non-reissuable, and their expiration dates cannot be extended.
If a dispute arises regarding the use of benefits provided by an affiliate, and the responsibility lies with the affiliate, the Company assumes no responsibility unless there is intentional or negligent fault on its part.
In cases where payment issues arise during transactions between the Company and affiliates due to reasons not attributable to the Company, such as the affiliate's bankruptcy or insolvency, previously granted affiliate goods or coupons may be canceled. The Company assumes no responsibility for such cancellations.
Points used by the user are not refundable. If it is confirmed that points were accumulated or used fraudulently, the Company may take actions such as reclaiming the points, suspending or restricting activity, or filing a criminal complaint.
Users can check their accumulated points within SuperWalk.
If there is a discrepancy between the points recorded on the Company's server and those displayed in the user's service app, the points recorded on the Company's server will take precedence. The Company does not compensate for point discrepancies caused by desynchronization between the server and the user's app.
The expiration period for points is one year from the date of accumulation, and points that exceed the expiration period will automatically expire sequentially.
Points accumulated or unused for more than three months will automatically expire.
If a user withdraws from the service or loses their user qualification, their points will automatically expire.
If an error occurs in point accumulation, users may request corrections within 30 days of the error. If the request is deemed valid, the Company will correct the error within 30 days from the date of the request.

Article 14: Token Exchange and Conversion

Users may exchange or convert tokens through third-party services created on the blockchain. However, users must acknowledge the risks involved and proceed with all actions based on their own judgment and responsibility.
The Company provides token exchange services by utilizing liquidity pools created in decentralized exchanges where no specific authority has protocol execution rights. These services are executed without individual screening or control procedures by the Company. All transactions conducted through the token exchange are made at the user's discretion and responsibility. Before proceeding, users must carefully review the details of each token, the issuing organization (foundation), and the associated benefits or risks of the transaction.
The price of each token in the exchange is determined by the swap ratio within the liquidity pool for the token pair. These automated pools adjust prices to maintain equilibrium based on the x*y=k formula. As a result, the prices displayed in the Company’s token exchange service may differ from those on other exchanges and do not guarantee alignment with fair market prices or real-time rates. To minimize losses due to significant fluctuations in the exchange ratio at the time of the swap, the service includes safeguards to execute requests only within a certain range of the applied ratio. Users must verify the applied swap ratio before proceeding with the token exchange.
Through token conversion, users can pay tokens and fees to obtain an equivalent quantity of tokens on a desired network. This applies equally to conversions using bridges such as Wormhole, Stargate, and Orbit Bridge, as well as other similar protocols.
The Company is not responsible for users failing to achieve expected gains or for any loss of assets or property resulting from risks inherent in transactions made through the token exchange service.
Users must carefully evaluate the potential benefits, token or coin price changes, and exchange ratio fluctuations before using the service, and proceed based on their own responsibility and judgment.
Users are responsible for accurately entering deposit addresses and memos when transferring assets. Failure to input these correctly may result in asset loss, for which the Company assumes no liability.
Any estimated yields, current token and coin prices, or other content and information provided by the Company are intended to assist users in using the token exchange service and are not recommendations or implications for investment or trading. While the Company makes reasonable efforts to provide timely and accurate information, it does not guarantee the timeliness, suitability, or accuracy of the information.
The Company does not guarantee the continuity of the features and services used for token exchange and conversion. Features provided by the Company may be added or permanently removed at any time, and services may be suspended or altered. In the event of permanent feature removal or service suspension, the Company will notify affected users and provide reasonable time for them to respond.
The Company is not responsible for the blockchain platforms or third-party services used in the token exchange and conversion processes.
Service development and updates follow decentralized consensus-based processes. Developers and participants of the service make no direct or indirect guarantees or commitments regarding related protocols, codes, or services to the extent permitted by law.
The service is designed to interact directly with the blockchain through automated smart contract codes, providing a secure and transparent service experience. However, due to the inherent limitations of technology and software complexity, the integrity of the code cannot be fully guaranteed.
There may be undiscovered vulnerabilities in the smart contracts or general code used in the service. Exploitation of such vulnerabilities, including hacks and flash loan attacks, may lead to asset theft and potential losses of principal. The Company has conducted professional security audits with Haechi Labs and continues to make reasonable efforts to address security vulnerabilities and prevent incidents. View the Smart Contract Security Audit Report
While the Company strives to maintain up-to-date blockchain synchronization, services may be interrupted or terminated without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, network failures, server maintenance (including routine, temporary, and emergency maintenance), increased transaction congestion on blockchains, system errors, software attacks, national emergencies, or regulatory changes. Continuous 24-hour service availability is not guaranteed.
Under such circumstances, numerical errors displayed in the service, temporary connection issues, access errors, or interruptions may occur. This could delay or cause failure in processing intended transactions, including token exchanges initiated by users.
To the extent permitted by law, the Company assumes no liability for the aforementioned situations unless caused by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 15: Service Modification and Suspension

The Company may modify the services it provides as necessary for operational or technical reasons. Changes to the service, including the content and effective date, will be notified to users in advance on the initial screen of the service. However, if there are unavoidable circumstances such as the occurrence of critical bugs, server device failures, or urgent security issues, the Company may notify users afterward.
If the Company determines it is necessary to discontinue the entire service due to changes in market conditions, technical requirements, reduced user preferences for specific services, or other urgent circumstances affecting the planning or operation of the service, the Company may notify users via the initial screen of each service or announcements within the content at least 30 days in advance and suspend the service. Users cannot claim refunds or compensation for unused subscription periods or expired paid items at the time of service termination.
The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service in the following cases:
① In the event of force majeure, such as war, riots, natural disasters, or national emergencies.
② If normal service use is disrupted due to power outages, equipment failures, or excessive traffic.
③ If maintenance work on service-related facilities is unavoidable.
④ If the Company is unable to provide the service due to other unavoidable circumstances.
The Company is not responsible for any issues arising from service modification or suspension that are not due to the Company's intentional misconduct or negligence.

Article 16: Service Use Restrictions

① If a user engages in any of the following acts during service use (hereinafter referred to as "Restricted Acts"), the Company may terminate the service agreement or suspend service use (hereinafter referred to as "Use Restriction Measures"). In such cases, the Company will provide the user with a two-week period to explain that no Restricted Acts were committed. If no explanation or corrective action is provided during this period, the Company may proceed with Use Restriction Measures and notify the user via email.
However, if there is evidence of Restricted Acts or it is evident that the user has violated applicable laws, and immediate action is reasonably necessary (e.g., directly harming or posing a high risk of harming the value of other users' cyber assets or violating current laws), the Company may impose Use Restriction Measures at its discretion and subsequently allow the user an opportunity to explain. If the user proves that no Restricted Acts occurred, the Company will immediately lift the Use Restriction Measures.
Detailed Description
1st violation
2nd violation
3rd violation
Abusive Behavior
1. Measuring and generating multiple exercise records simultaneously using multiple accounts or devices. 2. Measuring and generating exercise records using the same device by multiple individuals. 3. Recording steps or acquiring cyber assets through movements generated by external forces, such as mechanical devices, rather than actual physical activity.
5-Year Usage Restriction
Interference with Service Operations
1. Impersonating the Company, its employees, affiliates, or operators. 2. Spreading false information or engaging in other dishonest activities that cause confusion among other users and disrupt the Company's service operations. ※ If the actions cause harm to multiple users or significant damage to a specific user, a "5-Year Usage Restriction" penalty may be imposed even on the first offense.
30-Day Usage Restriction
90-Day Usage Restriction
5-Year Usage Restriction
Use of Inappropriate Nicknames
In cases where the use of inappropriate nicknames causes discomfort to others.
Warning (Including Nickname Change)
Attempting fraud under criminal law. ※ In cases of 'fraud attempts' impersonating an operator or company employee, a '5-Year Usage Restriction' penalty may be imposed even on the first offense.
15-Day Usage Restriction (Including Nickname Change)
Creation/Use/Promotion of Unauthorized Programs
1. Creating, using, or distributing computer programs, devices, or tools (hereinafter referred to as "illegal programs") that disable the service's technical safeguards or interfere with its normal operation. 2. Modifying the programs provided by the Company in connection with the service or using such modified programs to exploit the service abnormally. 3. Publicly sharing, distributing, or promoting illegal programs or their usage to specific individuals or the general public.
5-Year Usage Restriction
Exploitation of Bugs and Restrictions
1. Exploiting service errors to gain benefits or cause harm to others. 2. Using service errors to impact the ecosystem.
5-Year Usage Restriction
Fraudulent Transactions
Acquiring, transferring, or trading cyber assets through methods not permitted by the service.
30-Day Usage Restriction
90-Day Usage Restriction
5-Year Usage Restriction
Account Theft
Unauthorized access to another user's account, assisting such actions, or benefiting from them.
5-Year Usage Restriction
Personal Information Disclosure
In cases where another user's personal information is distributed without their consent.
5-Year Usage Restriction
False Entry and Use of Personal Information
1. Providing false personal information in account details or continuously using outdated information without updating it. 2. Creating a new account using false personal information. 3. Using temporary or disposable phone numbers for identity verification during account creation. 4. Using shared email addresses, phone numbers, or other shared contact information for identity verification during account creation. ※ If an account is restricted due to the use of someone else’s information, the restriction can be lifted after completing the identity verification process.
5-Year Usage Restriction
Attempted Fraud
Attempting fraud under criminal law. ※ In cases of 'fraud attempts' impersonating an operator or company employee, a '5-Year Usage Restriction' penalty may be imposed even on the first offense.
30-Day Usage Restriction
90-Day Usage Restriction
5-Year Usage Restriction
Illegal Activities
Involvement in or reasonable suspicion of involvement in money laundering, unfair trading, criminal activities, or other actions that violate laws and regulations.
5-Year Usage Restriction
② In addition to the restricted acts defined in Clause 1, users must not engage in any of the following acts or other prohibited actions that violate these terms. If a user engages in such acts, the Company may take actions such as restricting the user's service access or deleting related content (e.g., posts, photos, videos) in accordance with the procedures outlined in Clause 1. If the user's actions fall under both the prohibited acts defined in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, the Company will take use restriction measures as specified in Clause 1.
Submitting false information or deceiving others during any application, modification, or registration process.
Using another person's information without authorization.
Lending or sharing one's account with others.
Altering the Company’s programs, hacking the Company’s servers, arbitrarily changing all or part of the website or posted information, or using the Company’s services in abnormal ways without special permission from the Company.
Exploiting bugs in the Company’s programs, registering, or distributing computer viruses that cause malfunction or destruction of service-related facilities or disruption of information.
Transmitting, posting, distributing, or using prohibited information (computer programs) under applicable laws or materials designed to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment, including software viruses, other computer codes, files, and programs.
Using computer programs, devices, or tools to block or bypass advertisements posted within SuperWalk under Article 10, Clause 1.
Intentionally interfering with the Company’s service operations or transmitting advertising information against the explicit rejection of recipients, disrupting the stable operation of the service.
Recording step counts or acquiring, transferring, or trading cyber assets through abnormal methods such as using external mechanical devices or multiple devices without actual physical activity.
Harming or intentionally disrupting the service.
Engaging in business activities using the service without prior approval from the Company.
Reproducing information obtained through the service for purposes other than service use without prior approval from the Company, or publishing, broadcasting, or providing it to third parties.
Transmitting, posting, or distributing content that infringes on another person’s patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
Transmitting, posting, or distributing obscene, lewd, or illegal content, text, images, sounds, or videos in violation of the Youth Protection Act or other laws.
Transmitting, posting, or distributing highly insulting or personal content that may infringe on another person’s privacy or reputation.
Harassing or threatening other users or persistently causing pain or inconvenience to specific users.
Exchanging or posting obscene or lewd information, linking to pornographic websites, or posting unauthorized advertisements and promotional materials.
Collecting or storing other users’ personal information without the Company’s approval.
Impersonating or posing as the Company’s staff or operators, or using someone else’s name to post messages or send emails.
Engaging in acts that are objectively judged to be connected to crimes.
Using multiple accounts or accounts under another person’s name.
Any other actions that violate applicable laws or service policies.
③ If a user’s actions prohibited under Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article result in damage to the Company, the user shall be liable for all damages incurred.

Article 17: Effects of Contract Termination and Service Use Restrictions

① Users may terminate the contract at any time if they no longer wish to use the service by withdrawing their membership. Withdrawal is processed immediately, and upon withdrawal, users lose all access to their content and cyber assets, rendering them unusable, non-transferable, and non-disposable.
② If a user engages in prohibited actions defined in Article 16, Clause 1 or 2, or violates these terms, leading to a temporary suspension of service use in accordance with Article 16, Clause 1, the user will not have access to their cyber assets during the suspension period. The Company is not responsible for any losses resulting from the user’s inability to access their cyber assets or fluctuations in their value during this period.
③ If a user engages in prohibited actions defined in Article 16, Clause 1 or 2, or violates these terms, any rewards acquired from the Company (including but not limited to points and cyber assets) must be returned to the Company. Where technically feasible, the Company may directly recover points or cyber assets stored in the user’s account. If the user is unable to return all or part of the rewards, they are liable to compensate the Company in cash for the unreturned portion of the rewards.

Chapter 8: Compensation and Disclaimer

Article 18: Compensation for Damages

The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by users related to the use of the services provided by the Company, unless such damages are caused by the Company's intentional misconduct or negligence.
If the Company incurs damages due to a user's violation of these terms, the user who violated the terms is liable to compensate the Company for all damages incurred.
If a user engages in illegal activities or violations of these terms while using the service, causing the Company to face claims for damages, lawsuits, or other objections from third parties, the user must indemnify the Company at their own expense and responsibility. If the Company is not indemnified, the user is liable to compensate the Company for all resulting damages.
If the Company provides individual services to users through a partnership agreement with a third-party service provider, and damages occur due to reasons attributable to the individual service provider after the user agrees to the individual service terms, the individual service provider is responsible for the related damages.

Article 19: Disclaimer

The Company is exempt from liability for providing services if it is unable to do so due to force majeure events such as natural disasters or equivalent circumstances.
The Company is not responsible for damages arising from unavoidable reasons beyond its control, such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspections, or construction of service facilities, provided these actions were not caused by the Company's intentional misconduct or negligence.
The Company is exempt from liability for service disruptions caused by the user's fault. However, this does not apply if the user has unavoidable or legitimate reasons.
The Company is not responsible for damages caused by mobile network operators suspending or failing to provide network services, provided the Company has no intentional misconduct or negligence.
The Company is not responsible for problems arising from the user's device environment or network environment issues not attributable to the Company.
The Company is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or content of information, materials, or facts posted by users in relation to the service, provided there is no intentional misconduct or negligence by the Company.
The Company is not responsible for issues or losses arising from transactions between users, provided the Company has no intentional misconduct or negligence.
The Company is not liable for damages caused by users providing inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
The Company is not responsible for users failing to achieve the benefits they expected or for losses incurred while using the service.
The Company is not liable for the deletion of content information held by the user as a result of the user's withdrawal from the service under Article 17, Clause 1.

Article 20: Jurisdiction and Governing Law

Disputes arising between the Company and users in relation to the use of the service shall be resolved amicably through mutual agreement between the parties.
Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by applicable laws and regulations.
If litigation arises from disputes related to the use of the service, the court designated by applicable laws shall have jurisdiction.
Supplementary Provisions
These terms and conditions will take effect on [December 21], 2024.