Twitter Workout Verification Event Announcement

Hello, Holders!
This is Team SuperWalk!
To celebrate the expand of #SuperWalk, which is Klaytn's largest #M2E project, into the #BNBChain, we've organized an event for holders.
<"Complete a workout today!">
Simply post a photo of your daily workout routine with SuperWalk on Twitter, and make sure to include all the following five hashtags (#SuperWalk #M2E #BNB #BNBChain #BSC). That's it!
$1,500 in total prizes(#Airdrop :5,000 #GRND & 2 #BNB)
Period:09/16 (SAT) 15:00 (UTC+0) - 10/11 (WED) 15:00 (UTC+0)
25-day workout challenge
Exclusive for #NFT PRO-MODE users.
Can be combined with the Invite a Friend event! Verify your daily workout and win prizes
SuperWalk Twitter(X) Account:
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