
Pro-mode A to Z

Good to see people like this!
Those who just have started Pro mode and are not familiar with it yet
Those who are curious before join pro mode
We’ll introduce you to the great features you can enjoy in Pro mode
Home (Pro mode)

Home (Pro mode)

The home screen changed after buying a shoe. We'll tell you the most important part to check before exercising!
It is the stamina of the shoe. Durability reduces when you execise, and you can always repair the reduced durability.
If durability falls below 80, the amount of points acquisition decreases.
Tip If you upgrade Resilience stat…
Durability decreases slowly
Shoe repair costs reduce
Energy & Point
What is the Energy?
Energy is the stamina I can exercise
Energy is affected by the number of shoe and grade of shoe
Energy refills by 25% every 4 hours
You can exercise for 5 minutes per 1 energy
What is the Point?
You can earn points as much as you exercise
Points are settled with WALK tokens every night
Tip What if the energy goes down too fast?
If you upgrade the Comfort (C) stat, the rate at which energy decreases will slow down.
What if you want to earn more points?
If you upgrade the Performance (P) stat, you can get more points.


Are you ready to exercise?
I’ll explain the exercise screen
It’s the total distance you exercised
Your target speed range that you decided while buying a shoe. (It is difficult to earn points if you deviate from the target speed)
Point & Energy
The top part of the graph shows the points you have earned / possible to earn today.
The lower part of the graph shows the points earned while exercising
The top part of the graph shows your remaining energy / your total energy
The lower part of the graph shows the energy spent this exercising
Earned Point
You can see the points you earned while exercising
Earned Item
You can see the items you get while exercising
Pause button
Tap the Pause button to stop exercising

❗️Has your screen changed?

Suddenly the number pops up in red? don't panic If you do not enter the target speed for a certain period of time, it will change to moonwalking mode. If you want to take a break from exercising, press the pause button and take a break!

 Finish exercising

Let’s save your exercising record
Tap the red pause button
Tap and hold the left Stop button (Tap until the red line reaches the end as shown in the picture below)
Record saved!
You can also
Tap the ‘Download’ button to save the record image
Tap the share button at the top and enjoy SuperWalk with your friends

 Board & Record

Do you want to see the records so far? In addition to your records, you can also see your ranking and the WALK you have earned!


Today’s point
You can see the points you earned today
You can find out what percentage I am in the top in SuperWalk
Estimated WALK
You can know in advance how much points will be settled with WALK tokens today
Tap the ‘history’ to see the history of WALK tokens received so far
Leader Board
You can compete with people who are active in SuperWalk on the leaderboard


You can see how much you have exercised
we provied daily, weekly, monthly and yearly records
Tap the graph to see more detail
You can see recently records
If you want to see your saved records again, you can see detailed exercise information by tapping the card
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