Shoe Lucky Buy Feature Update

Hello, Holders!
This is the SuperWalk Team.
We’re excited to introduce the "Shoe Lucky Buy Feature" that has been updated today.
This feature, already supported by the world’s largest NFT marketplaces like Magic Eden, has now been implemented in SuperWalk to enhance user convenience and boost Shoe trades.

Legendary Shoes felt too expensive to even consider?

Try the Lucky Buy feature and get your Shoes at a lower price than the listed price!

Lucky Buy Probability Range
1% ~ 75%
The probability can only be set in whole numbers.
Eligible Shoe Price Range for Lucky Buy
50 GRND ~ 500,000 GRND

Important Notes

Lucky Buy can be attempted on any Shoe listed for sale in the Shoe market.
Even if a Shoe is purchased through Lucky Buy, the seller will still receive the same amount as a regular sale, with only the 6% fee deducted.
For every 1 GRND used in Lucky Buy, 2 AP will be rewarded.
If you have any further questions, please reach out via 1:1 support chat!
Thank you.