
2nd Minting Master Event

<2nd Shoe Minting Master Event Announcement >
Hello, holders! This is Team SuperWalk.
Thanks to the participation of many holders in the previous 1st event, we have prepared a new 2nd event!
We're back with even more rewards!
Starting from August 4th, 2023, the '2nd SuperWalk Shoe Production King' event will begin!
August 4th (Fri) 20:00 ~ August 14th (Mon) 17:00 (UTC +9)
Event 1
We will reward the top 5 users who mint the most shoes during the event.
Prize: 'Gen0 Normal Shoe 1 (random type) + Gen 0 Rare Upgrade Coupon 1 + Gen 0 Epic Upgrade Coupon 1ā€™
Event 2
We will reward users who mint 10 or more shoes during the event.
Basic prize: Pink Potion (3 days) 1
Lucky prize: Through a draw, 'Rare Coupon 1 + Epic Coupon 1' will be given to 15 people.
Event Guidelines
All NFTs will be distributed to wallets connected to SuperWalk accounts. The shoe minting count will be based on the 'start time of minting'.
Example 1) If shoe minting starts at 16:59:59 on Monday, August 14th, it will be considered as shoe minting.
Example 2) Shoe minting started before 20:00 on Friday, August 4th will not be added to the count.
The shoe minting count for shoes awarded in this event is 0.